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Diversification is a common investment strategy—spreading your money across different assets like stocks, ETFs, and bonds to reduce risk. If one stock underperforms, others can balance the loss, protecting your overall portfolio.

This principle applies to life as well. Diversifying your career, hobbies, and relationships can build resilience and lead to a more balanced, fulfilling life. Focusing all your energy on one area is like putting all your money into a single stock: the highs can be great, but the lows hit harder.

Going all-in can sometimes be the right move, especially with clear opportunities. Entrepreneurs may dedicate themselves to a startup, or athletes might focus solely on training for a big event. These are typically short-term strategies where risks are understood.

While diversification might not deliver quick or massive rewards, it builds a stable foundation over time, helping you stay adaptable, balanced, and prepared for challenges.
