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My Investment Target Allocation

 Target allocation that I am aiming for:

  • Public Stock (25%)
    • Large Cap Company (15%)
    • Growth Company (10%)
  • Mutual Funds (20%): mostly VTSAX
  • Retirement (30%): half traditional and half roth
    • Traditional 401k
    • Roth 401k
    • Traditional ira
    • Roth ira
  • Real Estate (10%): personally not too interested in rental properties, would rather buy REITs
  • Private Equity (10%)
    • Employee stock (2%): be extra careful with choosing a startup to join
    • Angel investing (5%): only invest what you are willing to all lose
    • Pre-IPO investing (1%): may not always turn out to be good deals compared to the IPO price
  • Crypto, Metaverse, NFT (3%): only invest what you are willing to lose
  • Tax Benefit Accounts (2%): pre-tax deductibles
    • HSA: triple tax benefit!
    • Navia Transportation Benefits: not too many ways to spend it
    • FSA: has to be all spent every year
