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Reviews on Fitness Services and Products

 Still in search of a product that suits my needs: improving strength and lowering body fat. So far I've tried:

1. ClassPass

I loved exploring different gyms/studios and group classes on ClassPass. For quite a while I was going to classes more than 3 times a week. I was able to try various forms of strength training, cycling, yoga, etc...Since the pandemic, this is no longer an option.

Personal rating: 8/10

2. Peloton

When I ride my peloton bike I do enjoy it, though I am not very motivated to ride it and use it rarely. I moved the bike to a different location in my place for better Fengshui, though it didn't work that well.

Personal rating: 6/10

3. Personal Trainers

I had horrible experiences hiring personal trainers. Want to give it one more shot though and choose the trainer more carefully this time.

Personal rating: 1/10

4. 24 Hour Fitness Gym Membership

I actually enjoyed the 24 Hour Fitness gym, affordable and decent. Not a good option during the pandemic either.

Personal rating: 7/10

5. Home Gym

Has most equipment that I need, I just need some guidance on how to work out properly. There are too many instructions, tutorials, and work plans, can someone disrupt this industry and provide good personalized workout plans, please?

Personal rating: 7/10

6. Running

Running on treadmills is too boring for me, I have to do something else at the same time - listening to podcast for example. Running outside sounds nice, maybe I should try it out.

Personal rating: 6/10

7. Swimming

One of my favorite sports, not a good option during the pandemic.

Personal rating: 8/10



Running Outside

New Personal Trainers


  1. Brisk walking is better than running for daily exercise as it doesn't hurt your knees. Walking from/to office in good posture and faster speed shall be a good exercise. You may need to take Glucosamine( to preserve knee joints after bouldering or running. The other thing, which might be more suitable for ladies, is dancing.


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